Thursday, December 22, 2011


Why are my neighbours ALWAYS my sister's age?

Thursday, December 15, 2011


So tomorrow my friends and me are having a Christmas party at school. It's like the kick-off of the holiday season. i'm really excited.
The other thing I realized is that it's almost New Year and we'll be in 2012. This has been a very eventful year. I moved across the world, and I think it may have been one of the biggest and also one of the best things that have happened to me.
Moving is important because it gives you a chance to find out who you are. You find out how you seem to people. You find out who you really are.
You make new friends. And though I miss my old frineds ALOT, I do realize that things change, and life changes ans the best thing to do is embrace it and move on with life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The first ten years

Today, I was talking to a friend of mine while we were eating lunch together about what we were like when we were kids and he told me that he didn't believe in Santa Claus growing up. Or wizards. He read encyclopedias for fun. Ran on treadmills, not while playing tag. Was always on a healthy diet.
I stared at him for a long time, speechless, and then I gave him a hug. What else do you do to someone who's been deprived of some of the best moments ever?
We all thank God that we're not working in a mine factory. But we should also thank God that we didn't worry about kids who did work in mine factories, as children. That for us, the world was a beautiful place to grow up in for us.
Santa Claus. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The elves that creep out at night and make the grass green. Running becuase it's fun, not because you need the PE grade. Stuffing yourself with birthday cake with no worries.
Count your blessings that during the first ten years of your life, there was no better life than the one you lived.


God chooses our family
Destiny chooses our soul mate
But its all the others around us
We can choose to love or hate

Our bosses choose our colleagues
Our life chooses our pathway
But its us who choose the people
We're glad to see each day

Cliches choose our social status
Talent chooses our GPA
but we do get to choose
With who we want to spend the day

A busy planned schedule
Chooses how we spend our hours
Our parent choose our names
But our friends? That choice is ours.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Stress, stress, stress
My grades sink low
Like a ship in the sea
What will happen tomorrow?

B pluses swim around
Before my eyes, half asleep
I stare at my Standard Gradebook
And I want to stop and weep

Life is full of ups
Downs, highs and lows
My grades are almost there
My heart's full of sorrow

Just two godamn points
Why won't my grades reach?
I listen to my teachers
And what they have to teach

Waiting, waiting, waiting
What happens to my GPA?
Maybe I'll wake up with a 4.0
One very fine day :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Take it slow

Close your eyes, the whole world
Is rushing in circles around you
People moving, so fast
You know you're moving too

But in a way, it's important
To know this moment wont come again
And if you ever look back
And want it, what then?

So thats's why you have to
Sometimes resist the flow
Move at a rare easy speed
Just stop, take it slow

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Love who you are

So there's a girl who sits behind me in two of my classes named Marcia. And while I'm not exactly jealous of her, I've always felt that she has the perfect life. Marcia is beautiful, has a 4.0 GPA, tons and tons and tons and TONS of friends, the kind of boyfriend who texts her goodnight, lives in a house with a picket fence with her pet dog, her mom bakes cookies for school benifits, her sister is just a year younger than she is, and she's also the football manager which is like a given for college admissions. She's the kind fo girl who when I'm talking to my friends I gaze at and sometimes wonder what it would be like to be her.
But then a few days ago, these rumours started spreading that she slept with her boyfriend, and she started losing some of her friends, and it got so bad that she didnt come to school the next day.
And I learnt something from that. Nobody's lfe is so perfect that we should want to be them. Everybody has problems. Everybody needs love. If you look closely, even the smartest or most popular or most talented kid in school could have cuts in their arm. Even the most perfect person could cry into their pillow at night.
If you don't exhibit your probelms, then why would they?
So lesson learnt- to enevr want to be anybody else. Ever.
Because God gave you who you are for a reason and that reason will one day show.