Sunday, August 12, 2012


No I did not pick that title. My friend Summer did. She's conceited like that...and she'll probably kill me for saying that. Anyway so I promised her I'd blog about her. I met Summer properly when I was in sixth class and we went on this trip and right away I realized that she was one of those people who was good weird. We get into tons of these stupid arguements over things that neither of us really care about but its still fun. Seriously though, Summer and me agree on NOTHING. She's also one of those crazy smart people. And her dog is ADORABLE. She's also that one friend who everyone has who eats like a hog but looks like a log. Actually that makes no sense. She's a stick not a log. But hog and log rhymes so...And just you watch, she's gonna kill me for using her blogpost to talk bout hogs. She'll be like "monica you are so RANDOM!!!!!" Which brings me to this, Summer is pretty random too. Like one day she comes up to me and she's like "If you ask someone what the time is, they'll laugh." See? But it's okay, cuz I still love her despite her flaws.(She's gonna kill me for that one too.) And I miss not being able to see her everyday. This good enough for you Summer? Now you have to blog about me. And it better be nice:)