Friday, December 4, 2009

The Battle of Books

Sorry, long time, no post. My family shifted to to another house and the internet connection is gone. I'm using my dad's datacard right now to access the net.

I was reading Emmy's Cinderella yesterday. Cinderella itself is pretty soppy. I mean a beautiful, caring, sweet girl went to a ball and fell in love with a prince. And he married her because her feet were small? La di dah. Ho Hum.
But Emmy's Cinderella is acually very interesting. It's a complete comentatory about the story. I like the part where she writes about how sad Cindy was in the beginning and how happy in the end. I love the contrast of emotions. It's a battle between Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After. Which one wins?
But in most horror stories it's the exact opposite. It's usually happy in the start and the pages flick, so does the mood. So horror and fairy tales have their own battles on the bookstore shelf.
The battle of books, huh?
There are so many more examples. The Encyclopedia about Animals, for example has a lot of praise about wolves. But if you read Little Red Riding Hood, wolves are not your best friends. Another fight.
After reading Frog and Toad, I begged my mom for a pet frog. But after going through The Princess and the Frog, I never wanted to see a frog again.
Funny how that works huh?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A novel with...or without tune

First I'm gonna post the lyrics of a song

Smile, and everlasting smile
Your smile could bring you near to me.....
Don't ever let me find you gone
Cause that would bring a tear to me
This world has lost its glory, Let's start a brand new story love
Chorus- You think, that I don't even mean..a single word I say......
It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away
Talk, with everlasting words
And dedicate them all to me.......
And I
will give you all my life
I'll be there if you call to me
Chorus- You think that I don't even mean...a single word I say......
It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away

It's a beautiful song, isn't it? Its by Westlife and I'm in love with the lyrics. If you've read Inkheart, you'll understand what I mean when I say this is a novel with a tune. So is Hey there Delilah by Plain White T and Last Christmas by Taylor Swift. Those lyrics are too long to write down and they're pretty popular songs. This one, not many people have heard but everyone who does falls in love with it. I love songs like this. But there are some novels without tunes too. Beautiful ones like Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli and Indigo Blue by Cathy Cassiddy. It's these songs and books that make you remember what songs and books are for. Happiness. Passion. OK, that last line sounded really cheesy. I hope nobody I know coms across this cause I don't want them to read this post.
Maybe I'll delete it.
Maybe not.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Facebook is something I am dreaming about having. Almost everyone in Arizona has Facebook and they all say it is the coolest thing in the world. I'm not sure usually if I wanna get into the whole computer thing but Facebook sounds really really really really cool. It's like a whole network of videos, messages, email, photographs and fun! But some people say it's not safe to get Facebook. Why are the best things (touring Paris by yourself, chatting) not safe? My parents even said that I cant ride my horse to the Arizona Zoo.
And you know what's worst part? People take pictures of me, and put them on Facebook. They edit them too and I cant see them!

Friendship fights......and people interfering

Ever had a fight with someone and you dont really wanna be friends with them again? You have new friends now, funner friends, friends your age. But people are...people. All they wanna do is get you back together again no matter how badly you wanna keep things the way they are. Isnt it the most irritating thing in the world? I mean when and if you wannna get back with this person you could do it yourself, couldnt you? But no, because you were once friends you always have to be friends. Sometimes I feel like running away from all the interference, straight across Arizona. or like screaming. PEOPLE MY FRIENDSHIP PROBLEMS ARE MY PROBLEMS! STOP TRYING TO GET US BACK AGAIN! IF WE WANNA WE WILL! I recently went to a birthday party and and all the people were trying to get us together. "Monica, be partners with Nisha. Monica, why dont you call Nisha? Monica, you and Nisha organize this game."
This is really irritating. I think kids should be allowed to handle their own friendship.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Why I like pigs

If you ask me my favourite animal, it'll take me a long time to decide. But I think one of my favourites are pigs.
Why I like pigs- They're adorable. ( Have you seen anything cuter than a baby pig? )They have floppy ears. They're pink! (How many other pink animals do you know, not counting flamingos?) They like mud. (Sticky, brown, gooey, icky mud. Simply amazing! )They squeal! (Squealing is such a joyful sound. It's like they're always happy.)They make friends with spiders. (Ever heard of Charlotte's web?) They have short legs and big stomachs. (Ever seen how cute they look when they run?) They eat almost anything. (Very unlike some people I know. No names mentioned.)
In the Arizona Zoo, there's a whitish pig, a brownish pig, a grub coloured pig, a light pink pig and a dark pink pig. Talk about colourful!!!
They don't steal (magpies). They dont butt with horns (goats). They don't drop feathers and lay eggs (chickens........salmonella) and they're not pets so they can't drop mud all over your carpet.
C'est la vie.
Life's not fair.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I know live in Arizona but my friend Sanghamithra and I took a trip to Hyderabad. We went to a lake called Husssain Sagar which has a big Buddha in the middle. So we were expecting a happy boatride but as soon as we reached the deck we were greeed by two things- a horibble smell and bugs. And why were these things here? Because the lake was full of trash. Wake up Hyderabadis and look at your city! Its not just you, its the whole world. We're getting buried in trash, trash that we threw! Besides I thought lakes were supposed to be blue. This lake was a murky brownish-green. Sangy and I felt really sorry for the fish. I mean how would you like it if I covered your living room with candy wrappers, plastic bottles and god knows what else? Go greeen folks! Well in this case, go blue. This world is the only one we have. We cant dirty it as fast as we dirty our tshirts. Because there's always another shirt in our closet to wear. But this world? Well we only have one. So we have to look around and notice the trash cans that are every where instead of chucking your granola bar wrapper right onto the road. Dont you feel good not being a litter bug? I mean who even wants to be a bug?
You can carry a bag around with you in which you can throw your trash. OR JUST LOOK FOR A DUSTBIN PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! HOW HARD IS THAT??????? DO YOU HAVE EYES?????? IF YOU DONT THEN YOU WOULDNT BE READING THIS. What is the use of Green Day, Earth Day and teaching kindergarteners about the environment if we dont folllow it?
Sleep on that.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Insults are really common. My friend and I sit during our favourite class (It's called Electric blue) and think up or read insults.
Some of the best we've got are-
  • A rotton piece of cheese- This is my friend's. Her name is Katherine Kolumbus Kingson.
  • A tafetta punk- This is also Kathy's.
  • A papaya dipped in custard- This is mine. Can you imagine how that would taste? Especially if the custard had lemon in it?
  • A 6 week old egg- Eww. The smell. Not pleasant.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I have decided it. I officially hate History and my History textbook particularly around exam times.

Soap operas xtreme!!

My grandma and mom watch alot of soap operas. And not only are they over melodramatic, they are very addicting. So I kinda find myself watchin them sometimes. The thing about all soaps are that they are extreme. Extreme laughter, extreme sadness. You know why there called soap operas? When you laugh alot you end up crying. And when you cry alot.....well you cry. Overall, you need to wash your face. With soap. And the actors and especially actresses will need alot of it. All they do on screen is laugh or cry. And people still like soaps, even me! How is this possible?
Sometimes its kinda pathetic that almost all soaps have the same typical story no matter which language they're in. There's always a mother in law-daughter in law fight, a husband-wife fight, a jealous lover, an old lady villain, a handsome Prince Charming or Princess that nobody approves of and a guy who doesnt get the girl in the end. And you know what's the worse part? How cheesy some of the characters are. Miniature Cinderellas- patient, loving, ready to do anything for their lovers. Or Modern Christs- sacrificing everything for love and family.
Maybe when I grow up I'll make a soap situated in Arizona where there's lots of comedy and the kids drink blue lemonade with spoons and famous hotels serve soup with forks. There'll be a waiter who thinks this is the way it always is and opens up a restaurant in London where he serves food his own way. Soon he'll be starting a fad.
Think it'll be a hit?
Feedback please.


My friends say Harry Potter is the best thing since ice cream. For some reasons I dont think thats very true. Cause after ice cream I think it would be books. And computers. And music. And free periods. And blogs. And after that Harry Potter. But Harry Potter rocks. Especially the broomstick part. I love the idea of flying around catching tiny gold ballls on wings. But Junie B. Jones is good too. I love the one where she's scared of horses because she thinks they'll bite your head off. But then she finds its the roosters that are scary until she makes friends with one. Sigh. I think I'll be reading Barbara Park till I'm 81. But my all time favourite books are........................The Little Engine that Could, The Giving tree, Where the Wild things are, Too many books, One grain of rice, Green Eggs and Ham and The Book Thief.
There are more. I just cant choose.

Gross food combinations

Have you ever had ketchup mixed with vanilla icecream? It tastes really good like chilli flakes even though most people feel like puking when they hear that. I also like curd and okra. And though thats not such a weird combination it certainly sounds very, very unsettling.
In America I knew a person who liked mint chocolate chip icecream with honey. I think she might have to get her tastebuds checked. Mint, chocolate and honey. Yleech. That just sounds awful. But then I'm pretty weird myself. I like to eat grass, banana peels, strawberry leaves and orange seeds. Very organic.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

OK I am!

Blogs are weird and I never actually thought I'd go for writing one. I mean everytime I look at the Bollywood Gossip in the papers I read about some random famous guy's blog.
But maybe it would be kind of cool to have one so Im trying it out and if I dont like it ......well sorry folks Monica Rez is out of business!
A particular Mrs. Pickle gave me the idea of doing this. Great. So now you know my name and what Im doing here. Whats next? Oh yeah, where I live. Well for your information, I live in Arizona and yes it is HOT. Very. So now you know me and lets get cracking f0lks. Down to business.