Monday, October 26, 2009

Gross food combinations

Have you ever had ketchup mixed with vanilla icecream? It tastes really good like chilli flakes even though most people feel like puking when they hear that. I also like curd and okra. And though thats not such a weird combination it certainly sounds very, very unsettling.
In America I knew a person who liked mint chocolate chip icecream with honey. I think she might have to get her tastebuds checked. Mint, chocolate and honey. Yleech. That just sounds awful. But then I'm pretty weird myself. I like to eat grass, banana peels, strawberry leaves and orange seeds. Very organic.


  1. I too love eating wierd stuff..... Have you ever tried eating curd with some vegetables, pickles and namkin, yummmmm.....
    Also try sometimes laddus with sev - yum

  2. Curd with vegetables are yum yum in my tum. Mint chocolate chip ice-cream with hone sounds good. I am not getting my tastebuds checked, thank you very much.
