BAM I light the cigarette.
BAM smoke goes up.
BAM a hole in the ozone layer.
BAM end of the planet?
So yeah, you're probably guessing what I'm talking about. And you've probably attended talk shows or maybe listened to lectures or read the paper so you probably have a pretty good idea about what global warming is. And if you do...then what are you doing to stop it????
These are a few people who are actually working on something-
*Major authorities of the world are meeting at a place called Copenhagen, to find a way to reduce the earth's temperature by a few degrees. But they are also getting into an arguement on whethear all the devoloped countries should do more or whethear all the countries should do the exact same.
*So, you know my friend Nitya? She's my pen pal, lives in Hyderabad. Sanghamithra and I once visited her if you remember and I got all mad at the litter. She wrote to me about some kids in her school who are started this thing called Transportation Week. They convinced alot of kids who come to school in their own cars to carpool with friends. Less cars coming to school means less problems in the air. They handed out flyers with corny but witty slogans like "DON'T BE A FOOL, CARPOOL TO SCHOOL!" or "Green's Great, Grey's Grim"
*My friends and I did our own little STOP DON'T START campaign. We dropped coins and dollar bills on the sidewalk, waiting for people to pick them up. Attached to the money there were notes quoting from Micheal Jackson's songs or newspaper articles about the Copenhagen issue with it written under in big letters LET'S BE MORE LIKE OUR LEADER'S. We also left messages on people's doorsteps chock full of information about global warming and our problems if it gets much worse.
Do you realise that Antartica's big glaciers are melting? Give it a few years and that continent will be like a giant swimming pool. And what about Arizona? It's gonna be an oven over there!
We want our world. We wanna live. So why don't we start to do something about the dying planet around us?
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Michael Jackson songs idea was a brilliant idea!! He is an inspiration to all of us. Whose money did you drop? Wouldn't people just take the money and forget about the note. Well people who don't care.... And if the ice-bergs melt, where will the polar bears live? The live on that ice! That school in Hyderabad did a great job! Clever school! So, yeah, STOP GLOBAL WARMING! P.S You SMOKE???????