Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So I was at the mall last Friday and my friend had a mini-spazz attack in Forever 21 over these adorable yellow shorts. And she was going on about how great they were and then she said "it was meant to be." Which is kinda stupid cause they were just a pair of shorts but it got me thinking about destiny and things meant to be and if that's real or if it's just something people say to make themselves believe that nothing is really their fault.
Like when you fail a test and you tell yourself "it's ok, it was meant to happen". Or when you win something, but then you never want to think that something bigger deserves credit for that. I mean you put in all that effort so how can somebody say that it's all in the bigger plan and all your hard work was really just a waste?
I guess destiny decides where we're going to end up but we decide how we're going to get there.
I just realized that that's actually really deep. Isn't it weird how one moment you're thinking bout yellow denim shorts and another moment you're analyzing something as big as destiny?

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