Monday, February 27, 2012


Stuck in a rut or a hole
Caught in a net or a pole

In a tunnel or a maze
Behind in this fast pace

And sooner or later
I will catch up with the crowd
I will be free
I will fill mind my way
And I will be proud
Of my destiny
That day

1 comment:

  1. Dear purkneeeemahh,
    u remembah me? i aaasked u to join the caaarcus? i knoe u remembah me.
    anyways purs, i am very much the glad to know that u started ur blag again. i like it a lot.
    but can u post a post pleej. i want to see sum of ur writing since u moved. the poems are very much nice. but i want to see some posts, pleej. but anyways, why u ditch me in the our plans? let us go to the caarcus in arijona this friday. vahkay? are u vahkay with zee plan? i hope so.
    secret admirer

    P.S HAHAHA MONICA. imissyou.
    P.P.S @everybody : No. I don't really love Monica. It is just an inside joke thing.
