Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!.....It will be 2011 in just 12 hours and im already counting down the seconds..
You may ask why I'm so excited
1. I'm sick of 2010...We've had the same year for almost 12's time for a change..
2. New Year means a New Year Resoloution..which I always promise myself I will follow and never actually do ..but oh's fun anyway.
3. I want to make a wish when it's the eleventh second of the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of th eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year which technically is only possible in 2011..
4. In 2011 I will turn 14, graduate to ninth grade and also mayb convince my mother to let me get a dog..all of which I am eagerly waiting for.
5. And best of all....2011 is one more year closer to 2012..and I'll be able to show all those stupid, paranoid people who think the world will end that that is a completely unscientific and wild assumption..
So anyway..I hope everybody who reads this will have the best year possible!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's been a VERY long time..

So here I am after months and months. Blogspot feels new to me now, and I remember how much i used to love typing up posts and publishing them.
So here's the first one.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Formation of my Location

God just took a piece of land and put some buildings, some cars, some people. Then he wrapped it up with green, green, green. The whole city looked like it'd been dipped in emerald coloured paint and dried out in the sun. He arranged trees running parallel to all the freeways. He controlled the different shades of the eco-friendly colour which were sort of decorating the capital of Washington until it was special enough to stand out on the map of USA. To watch while driving down the freeway, in the distance he made mountains as distant and aesthetic as a painting.There rose trees tall enough to be skyscrapers and people everywhere. Wind, that would be there all the time, ruffled the leaves on the branches and blew songs into the ears of his handiwork people. Rain, that would either pelting the ground in fierce determination, or showering the city with a light drizzle, took a permenant position on the weather place.
He looked at his creation with complete approval.
And Seattle was formed.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Are people getting that bored of me?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christams everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wrong date I know.........
BUT WHO CARES?????????????
Joy to the world
(I'm in a good mood in case you were wondering.)

Friday, March 19, 2010


Save a life
Save the tigers

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Spiderman once said that with great power comes great responsibility. If you have super powers it's entirely your job to save the world. If you're as ordinary as I am, your biggest job would probably be to walk your dog...finish your homework....wash the dishes.
But even if you can't walk walls or fly or change things with a snap of your fingers, do you still totally not have responsibiltiy?
I mean, I can't do any of the above, but I'm still not totally responsibility free. (What heaven is that??) Nobody is, to tell the truth.
The thing about responsibilities is that they are like roots of a tree. Very strong. Like a commitment or bond. Once you're responsible for something or someone, you have to make sure it(whatever it is) happens and happens well. And if you don't make sure, you don't feel good about it because that means you aren't responsible. And it's not auch a great feeling. Trust me. I've been there.
Responsibiltity is like a privilege that your parents, guardians, friends give you. And if you prove you dont' have it, it's worse than being grounded. Because there's so much your parent's and other people let you do because they think you're responsible. They let you cross the street because they think you're responsible enough to watch out for cars. They let you make friends because they consider you responsible enough to choose the best person to share your feelings with.
Responsibilty is like a wrapper of a gift. You show you have it and the gift is the most precious thing you can ever get.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


My dad was watching a game and suddenly the cameras focused on a couple of blue clad ladies waving their pom poms, million dollar smiles spread on their faces.
Now your reaction could be anything. YOu could smile at the word, shudder with fear or disgust, or just keep on reading indifferently.
People think cheerleading is superficial. Like it's some kind of acccessory. It's not even the icing on the cake. It's more like the silver balls that decorate the edges. They don't do anything.
But face it, a game's not a game unless it has those cheering girls.
And they are showing some spirit.
It's probably not easy to do all those cartwheels or human pyramids. And it's not like they get a lot of money or fame. How many of you will recognize the spotter for the pyramid at the hockey game you saw last night.
But at school, for girls, cheerleading is considered THE thing. Girls try out for cheerleading and if they make it it's like they've achieved unbelievable status.
So why don't guys cheerlead?
There is nothing girly about gymnastics or stunts or school spirit. It's just the short skirts and pom poms that don't really appeal to the male sex.
To quote from one of my favourite books 'Get real', It started off as an accessory to male sports.Now it's a sport on it's own.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Double chocolate chip

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Double Chocolate Chip. She had a little sister called Triple Chocolate Chip. Double Chocolate Chip was so tired of being named after an ice cream she decided to start a petition against unfair names.
This is how it goes
1 Double Chocolate Chip- my name is an ice cream flavour!!! What kinda parents would name their kid that?? I don't even like ice cream..especially not double choco chip plus I am SO not something to eat!!!!!!!
2 Corna and Carlotta- Our names sound like vegetables!!!!!! People ask us if our nicknames are Corn and Carrot!!
If you wanna sign DCC's petition u can now!!
Happy names!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Did cha know?

Nick Jonas plays Chip the baby cup in Beauty and the Beast!!!
The woman who plays Bellatrix Lestrange in HP is the same woman who plays Mrs. Bucket in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Robert Patterson sings!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hah...if u can understand it

This is a famous quote and very funny once you understand it
"I'm tired of all this talk about beauty being skin deep. I'm fine with that. What do you adorable pancreas?"

Friday, February 5, 2010


Boredom makes the dog's tail straight and and the clouds turn blue and the foxes become sweet little rabbits.
I'm bored.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sea cucumber

Do you know that octupus' let out ink if you go too close to them?
What's worse, a sea cucumber will do something really sick. It'll throw up it's internal organs out at you. Eww. No wonder thay barely ever get harmed. After that they automatically regrow a new set of organs.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


What you want to be when you grow up.......
How many times do people ask you the same question???? And how many times do you answer the same thing? A doctor. A teacher. A pilot?
I don't think it's about what you actually become when you grow up. I think what grown ups really want to know is how you're going to achieve it. How will you become a doctor? How will you get a job as a teacher? So how do you answer? Do yuo go through the tecnicalities? Sometimes that's best with a very serious person. Tell them something like- "Oh, I want to be a doctor. I think they make a big difference to this world. Without doctors where will we be? I'm going to achieve it by concentrating on science until I get to college. I'll work really hard to get good grades and understand things about science. I'll try out for olympiads and maybe I can get into a good college." If it's somebody who's not that serious about it you can go "Im only 12" to handle them?

Sunday, January 24, 2010


This is a joke I read somewhere and it still makes me laugh.
Once upon a time, the Christians wanted to get the Jews out of Rome.
But the Jews didn't want to leave their home.(who would?)
So the Pope decided that if any Jew could beat him in a debate, the Jews could stay in Rome. Most Jews were scared to participate. Who could win when the participant and the judge were both the Pope? Finally a janitor decided to give it a try. The big authority Jews were worried about sending a janitor for such a big task but they was the janitor or nobody.
The big day arrived. The Pope opened the debate with a gesture that looked like as if he was indicating something around the room. The janitor replied by pointing his finger straight to the ground. The Pope then pointed one finger at the janitor. The janitor replied by pointing three fingers at the Pope. The Pope then reached into his bag and pulled out a piece of flat bread. After which, the janitor pulled out an apple from his pocket.
The Pope then announced that the Janitor had won the debate.
Later, the Pope's friends asked him to explain how the debate had worked. The Pope said" First, I made an indicating gesture as if to say the whole world belongs to God. He pointed down to show that the Devil ruled over Hell. Then, I pointed one finger at him to show God is one. He pointed three fingers at me to show God is displayed by the Holy Trinity. Then I removed a piece of flat bread from my bag to show that according to the bible, the world was flat. He took out an apple to show that according to new fangled ideas, the world was round. The janitor had great skill which is why he won."
The janitor's friends asked him how the debate had gone. He said" It was all rubbish. First he made this gesture to show that the jews had to leave. So I pointed downwards to show we're not going anywhere. Then he pointed one finger at me like to say don't be fresh with me. So I pointed three fingers at him to show he was being thrice as fresh making us leave. Then I see him taking out his lunch. So I take out mine."
He just got chopped.


Do you keep a blog?
If you don't then make one right now!!!!
It feels amazing to have people read your feelings like when I'm mad at Sam, or when Choco's sick or when I got a C on my math test.(and Mom, if you just read that, I did not get a C on a test, it's just an example).
Where was I?
Oh yeah, it's amazingly amazingly awesome. It's like having an online diary where you can be as sarcastic or corny or weird as you like and nobody cares at all.
And yes, people do read my friend Nini's blog-
Believe me when I say it is good.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Global Warming

BAM I light the cigarette.
BAM smoke goes up.
BAM a hole in the ozone layer.
BAM end of the planet?
So yeah, you're probably guessing what I'm talking about. And you've probably attended talk shows or maybe listened to lectures or read the paper so you probably have a pretty good idea about what global warming is. And if you do...then what are you doing to stop it????
These are a few people who are actually working on something-
*Major authorities of the world are meeting at a place called Copenhagen, to find a way to reduce the earth's temperature by a few degrees. But they are also getting into an arguement on whethear all the devoloped countries should do more or whethear all the countries should do the exact same.
*So, you know my friend Nitya? She's my pen pal, lives in Hyderabad. Sanghamithra and I once visited her if you remember and I got all mad at the litter. She wrote to me about some kids in her school who are started this thing called Transportation Week. They convinced alot of kids who come to school in their own cars to carpool with friends. Less cars coming to school means less problems in the air. They handed out flyers with corny but witty slogans like "DON'T BE A FOOL, CARPOOL TO SCHOOL!" or "Green's Great, Grey's Grim"
*My friends and I did our own little STOP DON'T START campaign. We dropped coins and dollar bills on the sidewalk, waiting for people to pick them up. Attached to the money there were notes quoting from Micheal Jackson's songs or newspaper articles about the Copenhagen issue with it written under in big letters LET'S BE MORE LIKE OUR LEADER'S. We also left messages on people's doorsteps chock full of information about global warming and our problems if it gets much worse.
Do you realise that Antartica's big glaciers are melting? Give it a few years and that continent will be like a giant swimming pool. And what about Arizona? It's gonna be an oven over there!
We want our world. We wanna live. So why don't we start to do something about the dying planet around us?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wishing a very happy bday

Wishing a very happy birthday to Raji Dani who lives in Hyderabad and is one of the few people who reads my blog.


Fizz! Orange! Fizz! Fizz! Orange!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bright Basketball Game

Me love basketball. But in the evening they have these classes, and after that its too dark. And getting up to play in the morning requires getting up early which me does NOT like. So I play in the Ariaona blistering heat, noontime. But recently, my space got invaded by some baseball playing dudes. And me was absolutely not gonna take that lying down. Yeah, I was all set to fight this major battle with them but NO! As soon as they saw me, the boys did something amazing. Seems they only needed the padding on the foot of the hoop for their batting. And instead of making me move, they moved the whole padding themselves! Me was amazed. How often do you find people who have a problem, and instead of occupying the whole solution, they took parts of the solution along with them?
So me was playing, and shooting. If you play basketball, you know it's thirsty work. And the only solution to thirst is water. So I was walking to the gym to find myself some and I found the gym locked. Nothing like a locked door to spoil your bball game. Walking out of the clubhouse, I saw this glass of water beside a tank on the sushi stall.(sushi at noontime???) I asked this security guard if I could take water from the tank and then I went to get some. And....the tank was empty. The guard, seeing my dismay actually got up, actually unlocked the gym for me, and actually let me get water.(and it was cold!!) Again, me felt like crying.
It's people like this that take a country form undevoloped to devoped, take a world form falling apart to glory. Normal people doing normally jobs. Kids who think totally out of the box. Guards who help a thirsty girl. They don't get publicity, no press reports, no photographs on the front page. They're just people who do things that make the world a better place.
People like that+Trees and Grass and all the other Nature+A couple of buildings= A happy world