Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Facebook is something I am dreaming about having. Almost everyone in Arizona has Facebook and they all say it is the coolest thing in the world. I'm not sure usually if I wanna get into the whole computer thing but Facebook sounds really really really really cool. It's like a whole network of videos, messages, email, photographs and fun! But some people say it's not safe to get Facebook. Why are the best things (touring Paris by yourself, chatting) not safe? My parents even said that I cant ride my horse to the Arizona Zoo.
And you know what's worst part? People take pictures of me, and put them on Facebook. They edit them too and I cant see them!


  1. Facebook. Something that people are debating on if its safe or not. I'm not a big fan of it.
    But its your choice if you get it or not.
    By the way whenever it says JV SAID that means I posted it. I am using my friends account. Well we share an account You remember Jhanvi DON'T YOU?Haha.
