Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Exams, Friendships..and things in general

Upcoming torture- I HATE EXAMS!!!! Especially math...actually, I quite like math as a subject but I absolutely hate writing a three hour paper about it.
1. To write an exam you have to study for it. Study = looooooong hours of restless torture when you could have been doing something better.
2. Anticipation. Waiting for the portion...then waiting for D-Day.....then waiting for the paper....then waiting for the grades...Uggh. I hate waiting in general. Unless it's for something wonderful like a huge sundae or a new album by The Beatles. What's the fun in waiting for such terrible things? It's like getting a punishment for torture.
3. Actually writing the exam is no picnic either. It's like this. You write. And write. And write. And......well it's obvious. Writing can be fun, but not when it is about the Conquest for Independence, Newton's theory or the Pythagorean triplets.
And these exams? They're next week...
Can you believe in my school they actually call exams as 'trials'. It's as if they understand, it really is a trial.

Friendships- Friendships are so easily made and broken, it's not even funny. I used to have this really close friend named Shai. We were really, really, really close. And then this new girl named Mrina comes along and we become really close. Shai..sort of got jealous. What I wanted was for Shai, Mrina and me to be friends together. So I'd very conveniently leave them alone together for a while. First they seemed really awkward...but then it was like they were having a great time together. So I was really happy....until I found myself being left out. All the time. And I'm watching them laughing together and walking away from me and I'm thinking How did this happen? When? Will three always be a crowd? Can three never be friends?

Ok this is random but amazing. My mom has a friend and he has the most AMAZING hobby. He makes juices out of the weirdest things like curd and cheese and vegetables and stuff without one drop of alcohol and then posts pictures of them on FaceBook. Those drinks look really pretty.......and REALLY tempting.
Isn't that a cool hobby?

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