Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Agenda

The Agenda...
The plan of the day......
Why does there have to be a stupid agenda all the time anyway?
What happened to spontaneity?
Oh and impulse....and maybe sitting back and doing nothing?
So I know this guy who's mother has pretty much planned his life out on a piece of paper. She's colour coded his days, weeks and months, filling then with the exact activity that he will be doing. Every single second has a purpose.
So we have all these seconds with purposes but shouldn't we also have those seconds which have no purpose at all? The seconds where you can sing a song with no words, tempo or music? The seconds where you don't even remember your name and you just sit back and nothing?
Nothing at all.....
Why does have every second need to have an agenda?
Why is always that every thing in life should be dumped in a box which has a readymade lock and key?
Is that the way we become successful people and good people? By planning every second of our lives? By thinking about every action before doing it?
We only live ONCE guys....
Seriously...we probably will never forget those seconds where we won awards or we aced science tests. And we will remember our birthdays..the day we bought our first house....first job...first car.
But daydreams? The feeling of contentment?
Never will we remember that.
Still............Those moments are important.
It's called balance.

1 comment:

  1. You rightly said that there has to be balance in everything. As long as you are able to draw right balance, you would always be fine.
