Thursday, October 29, 2009


I know live in Arizona but my friend Sanghamithra and I took a trip to Hyderabad. We went to a lake called Husssain Sagar which has a big Buddha in the middle. So we were expecting a happy boatride but as soon as we reached the deck we were greeed by two things- a horibble smell and bugs. And why were these things here? Because the lake was full of trash. Wake up Hyderabadis and look at your city! Its not just you, its the whole world. We're getting buried in trash, trash that we threw! Besides I thought lakes were supposed to be blue. This lake was a murky brownish-green. Sangy and I felt really sorry for the fish. I mean how would you like it if I covered your living room with candy wrappers, plastic bottles and god knows what else? Go greeen folks! Well in this case, go blue. This world is the only one we have. We cant dirty it as fast as we dirty our tshirts. Because there's always another shirt in our closet to wear. But this world? Well we only have one. So we have to look around and notice the trash cans that are every where instead of chucking your granola bar wrapper right onto the road. Dont you feel good not being a litter bug? I mean who even wants to be a bug?
You can carry a bag around with you in which you can throw your trash. OR JUST LOOK FOR A DUSTBIN PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! HOW HARD IS THAT??????? DO YOU HAVE EYES?????? IF YOU DONT THEN YOU WOULDNT BE READING THIS. What is the use of Green Day, Earth Day and teaching kindergarteners about the environment if we dont folllow it?
Sleep on that.


  1. You have a typo in the first line?

  2. Where I live, whenever you go to town you find cigarettes and chewing gum on the floor. There are bins there for a reason people!!! Use them. They are not there for exhibition. Are they? Are they? ARE THEY? I think I made my point clear.
