Saturday, August 6, 2011


I think water tastes pretty good. I also want to taste different types of it. I love dramatic Indian serials. I used to be scared of escalators and dogs. Can you believe it?
Sometimes I get all poetical and imagine the whole white heaven deal with one of those majestic Gods from the movies.
I've never blown a candle off a cake.
Why are Girrafes so tall? There's so much more grass on the ground then there are leaves on trees. And it must have been pretty hard to get them to fit into Noah's Ark.
When I was a kid, I hated the colour red because the religion teacher at my school, Sister Mary Pat, told me it was the devil's colour. But isn't it also the colour of love? So love is the devil. One of my friends Juniper will agree.
I have mood swings. Sometimes they completely flip. I think my most remarkable feat has been six different emotions in a span of 10 minutes. I should send that to Guineass.
Hmmmm..... I stole over a hundred spoons. But I gave them back so no damage done.
I love the name Mike. And Julie. And Sabina. And Gabrielle. And Augosto.

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